Organic traffic is the most valuable marketing metrics for a blog promotion. When people find you with relevant keywords, it is more likely that they will stay on your site for a longer time or become your regular visitors. Unlike non-organic traffic, the organic one does not force visitors to come to your site. They do that by their own will. And here is a psychological trick that can be used for enhancing your marketing strategy. When a person does something by his own will (or at least when he thinks so), he becomes attached to these actions and wants to repeat them again and again especially if the experience has satisfied him.
To attract organic traffic, you need to build an efficient content marketing strategy with SEO tools. Search engine optimization is the most effective approach to increase your ranking with the most competitive keywords and even make you #1 rank in Google search with some specified keywords. Of course, to make it work, you need to develop an optimization plan without the mistakes spoiling the effect.
1. Check Your Metatags
If your content marketing strategy does not bring the results that you’ve expected, start with checking your metatags. Frequently, bloggers who work alone do not think about this part of optimization even though every Wordpress template includes the possibility to work with them. The main problem is that metatags should be added manually, and it means that you need to repeat one and the same work every time you write a post.There are four basic types of metatags obligatory for your marketing. Below, each of them is described in detail.
- Keywords: Usage of this meta attribute is a must for every post and even the smallest entry. The keywords should be relevant to the theme of your post unless the ranking will be lower and potential readers will not be able to find it with search engines.
- Titles: The title should include the keyword and the main message of your topic. The title is located at the top of your browser. Though the users may not even notice it, for search engines this is the key element to rank this page.
- Description: It should contain keywords and a brief explanation of what this page is about.
- Robots: This is a metatag used by search engines to understand what the crawlers can do with the page.
2. Improve Your Site Architecture
Your website should be easily accessible both for readers and for the search engines. If the architecture is inappropriate, the pages load too much time (in fact, a few seconds only but for a search engine this signifies the problems with the architecture), some links are broken, and search engines cannot index some pages as they are not optimized.3. Use Unique Content
Original content defines the success of a blog. Visitors appreciate new ideas and thoughts and search engines rank a website higher when the content is unique. To achieve this result, you need to check every post that you place. Sometimes, you unwillingly copy some sentences and this affects the general rank of the content originality.Also, you need to check images and videos if you use them in your blog. They should also be unique as they are the part of a content strategy. If you take pictures from some stocks, do not forget to place a copyright watermark.
4. Build Backlinks
Inbound links are an easy and effective way to enhance your SEO and improve your website ranking. Backlinks attract organic traffic to your website, bring more leads and help reach the higher ranking.Inbound links or backlinks are the links that come from another Internet resource to your site. In other words, this is when another blogger inserts link to your site in his post. To build a sufficient backlink number, you need to provide original and interesting content so other sites would like to share it, submit your website to directories or order guest posts on other websites.
5. Optimize Keyword Usage
It is not enough to research the keywords for your website. You need to remember that high competitive keywords should not build the core of your SEO strategy. You need to choose more relevant, less competitive words that will precisely describe the page. Moreover, you need to check the density of keywords. The overspam of keywords leads to lower ranking and even banned pages. To optimize the keyword usage, make sure that you use them in titles, URL, image file paths, anchors and other metatags.These are only 5 basic SEO tools that you can use for your marketing strategy. But in SEO, basic mistakes cause the biggest problems which can lead to deleting the pages or excluding website from ranking. If you do not want to introduce an advanced SEO strategy that includes all on-page and off-page optimization techniques, you can easily get the benefits from the abovementioned SEO tools.
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