Sometimes getting the right answer means asking a different question. For example, online marketers looking to optimize their lead generation websites to bring in more sales leads need to know how many leads their sites already bring in and which sources are generating them. However, what we at Internet marketing firm Straight North have found is that, in many cases, online marketer aren’t getting the information they need to improve their websites. That’s because they are taking some information at face value and not asking additional questions that could put that information into better context. Unless marketers validate and track their sales leads, they may not have the right answers.
In many cases, Internet marketers trust the raw conversion numbers they get from Google Analytics to tell them how successful their lead generation websites are. It’s easy for marketers to assume that sources churning out high numbers of conversions must be delivering a higher number of sales leads than sources that generate a lower number of conversions. However, nearly half of website conversions turn out to be job applications and incomplete form submissions — these will never lead to new customers. Additionally, those raw conversion numbers exclude crucial information about sales leads that come in over the phone, where many potential customers still prefer to interact with businesses. Without additional information, Internet marketers may go into their optimization efforts assuming certain sources are more successful than others. This can cause them to make critical decisions based on the incomplete or inaccurate information.
However, Internet marketers can improve the level of information they get from their lead generation websites by implementing lead validation and tracking. This involves building code into the site’s infrastructure to improve reporting and partnering with a vendor that can review and track leads that come in by phone. This additional level of reporting provides online marketers with critical information about which conversions are actual sales leads and which sources generated them. With that information in hand, marketers can:
- Approach their website optimisation efforts with more confidence
- Focus on the sources that generate the true sales leads
- Fine-tune sources that underperform
- Generally improve the return on investment their lead generation websites provide for them
The following step-by-step guide details how lead validation and tracking can be implemented into a lead generation website. Follow it, and you can ensure you’re asking all the right questions of your site and getting the answers you need for continued success.
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